Thomas Morice.
Just another web developer
saying hi

I build websites
from passion
and binary code.

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Let’s be honest, the chances of me ending up in IT was pretty low. I was having lots of difficulties at school. Music & physical education were my lifelines at that time.

I started working at 18 years old, with a professional diploma in my hand, first as a warehouseman, then as a watch repairer (a fun and enriching experience), then finally as a policeman for two years.

I decided to quit and join the university at 23 to finally work with what I’m passionate about.

needless to say I never looked back
Computer Science

During my years at the University of Strasbourg, I’ve learned many things, architecture, database, oriented-object programming, but also teamwork and philosophy.

I closed these three years with two internships, one at Almedia, for a serious multiplayer game in Actionscript, and the other at Perinfo maintaining an application in Delphi

I started working as a backend developer full-time at 26 years old, for banks and old systems.

But I quickly realize I was missing something, that part of creativity into my daily work. I wanted to play with colors & typography, with spaces & places.

Not many companies were brave enough to take me as a web developer, so I decided to be a self-entrepreneur, and I started making websites for small companies.

From a static site for a beauty salon to an online shop for a butcher, I managed to get some project done within a couple of years, and I was finally able to sell myself as a web developer.

I finally landed my first job as a web developer

Having tasted the satisfaction of an accomplishment, and after two amazing years at Optimind Winter, I was now looking for my new challenge. Living abroad was something I always wanted to do.

My girlfriend and I chose Sweden as our new home. It is easy to adapt since almost everyone speaks English there. Stockholm is such a nice city, with a very good environment quality level, many professional opportunities, and so much more to offer.

Thomas Morice.
Don’t hesitate to drop a line
I’ll be happy to talk